Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Sprinkle of the Rainbow: A Rainbowcy Chapter Three


I honestly don’t know what came over me, all I knew was that I was spiraling into a mess. If I looked back on these memories, I would think that I was drunk, but I knew better. I knew a LOT better than that. I hadn’t had ANYTHING to drink, White’s don’t drink. White’s weren’t allowed to drink. Apparently drinks had too much color.
Things got heavier, and now I would think I was drunk.
We just met. We knew we loved each other. Forrest now lives with me. He’s my boyfriend, my one and only, I knew it.
We redecorated the house to be more ‘us’ friendly. I had most of the things in the house made green, because that is a lot more exciting than seeing white all the time.
I was also able to buy an easel (a green one, what a deal!) and I now decorate my home with colorful paintings. Sure they’re not very good to start out with, but I’m sure they’ll someday be amazing.
I’ve been sick though, happy yet sick. Every day I go to the bathroom at least three times to puke my breakfast, lunch, or dinner out. It was disgusting, yet I had a feeling I might know what it was about. A quick trip to the doctors would help me, but I couldn’t have Forrest home, not until I made sure.
When Forrest came home from work, I gave him a hug and told him what happened.
“Its ok babe, I heard there was a stomach bug going around. You’ll be ok.”
Weeks past with that same ‘stomach bug’, so I went to see the doctors about it.
The doctors were pleasantly surprised to see a White in the office. They were so surprised, they gave me a free ultrasound. When I got the news, I was ecstatic. Forrest would be so happy!! But he was at work, so I’d have to wait until he got home.
With the money coming in from Forrest’s new job, I had another room built. Now I knew the exact way to tell him. It had to be perfect.
I heard the door open, and Forrest call into the house, “I’m home!”
I quickly made my way to him and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.
“I want to show you something!”
I pulled him into our room.
“Uh, Freesia? Why is there another door..?”
“It’s a surprise silly!” I giggled, then opened the door to the new room.
“TA-DAA!” I yelled excitedly, and watched as his face turned from confusion, to understanding, to utter delight.
“Oh my gosh, Freesia its beautiful! how far along are you?”
“I think the doctor said 2-3 months?” I replied.
Forrest pulled away and put his hand on my stomach, “Hey there little guy, I’m your Daddy.”